Abstract. We present an approach for automatic bone age classification from hand x-ray images using the Discriminative Generalized Hough Transform (DGHT). To this end, a region, characteristic for the bone age (e.g. an epiphyseal plate), is localized and subsequently classified to determine the corresponding age. Both steps are realized using the DGHT, whereat the difference of the approaches lies within the employed models. The localization model is able to localize the target region over a broad age range and therefore focuses on the common features of all ages. The model for the classification, in contrast, focuses on the age discriminating features. The classification model consists of several submodels, one for each age class, where each submodel contains information about its age characteristics as well as discriminating features. In a first test the new method was applied to classify images into the two classes 11-12 and 14-15 years and achieved of 95% correct classifications.