Spatial patterns of gene expression in the vertebrate brain are not independent, as pairs of genes can exhibit complex patterns of coexpression. Two genes may be similarly expressed in one region, but differentially expressed in other regions. These correlations have been studied quantitatively, particularly for the Allen Atlas of the adult mouse brain, but their biological meaning remains obscure. We propose a simple model of the coexpression patterns in terms of spatial distributions of underlying cell types and establish its plausibility using independently measured cell-typespecific transcriptomes. The model allows us to predict the spatial distribution of cell types in the mouse brain.neuroscience | bioinformatics | neuroanatomy B rain-wide and genome-wide maps of gene expression are now available (1, 2), due to the development of high-throughput neuroanatomical methods (3-6). This has enabled analysis of the spatial correlation structure of gene expression (7-12). In the Allen Brain Atlas (ABA) of the adult mouse, the brain is divided up into cubic voxels of size 200 μm. The expression energies of up to 20,000 genes in the adult C57BL/6J mouse are given by automatic processing of in situ hybridized (ISH) brain sections, coregistered to the Allen Reference Atlas (ARA) (13). Coexpression of two genes in a voxel may arise from two sources: ðiÞ both genes are expressed within the same cell type or ðiiÞ the two genes are expressed in two different cell types, both present in the voxel. These two possibilities cannot be disentangled solely on the basis of the ABA. Ideally, gene expression profiles should be experimentally obtained for each cell type in the brain, and indeed such transcriptome profiles are now available (14-21). This cell-based approach to the study of gene expression is complementary to the gene-based approach of the ABA. In ref. 22, the data of ref. 19 were used to extract neuron-specific genes, astrocyte-specific genes, and oligodendrocyte-specific genes, which resulted in three combinations of brain-wide maps from the ABA, whose clustering showed anatomical signatures of major brain subdivisions (see also ref. 23 for estimates of neuron-specific and oligodendrocyte-specific expression patterns, both in the mouse and in the human brain). The present paper goes beyond the broad classification of cell types into three classes and attempts to estimate density profiles of every cell type known by its transcriptome profile. To study the genes collectively we use a voxel-by-gene data matrix E, corresponding to V = 49;742 cubic voxels, and 3,041 genes, as in refs. 24-26. The entry Eðv; gÞ is the expression energy of the gene labeled g in the voxel labeled v [a measure representing the level of mRNA in situ hybridization (1, 10)]. We combine the ABA with cell-type-specific transcriptome profiles, to gain biological understanding of the coexpression patterns of the genes. Our model is based on G = 2;131 genes found in all these datasets and in the coronal ABA. The model proposed to estimate the brain-w...