| Functional dyspepsia is one of the most prevalent functional gastrointestinal disorders. Functional dyspepsia comprises three subtypes with presumed different pathophysiology and aetiology: postprandial distress syndrome (PDS), epigastric pain syndrome (EPS) and a subtype with overlapping PDS and EPS features. Functional dyspepsia symptoms can be caused by disturbed gastric motility (for example, inadequate fundic accommodation or delayed gastric emptying), gastric sensation (for example, sensations associated with hypersensitivity to gas and bloating) or gastric and duodenal inflammation. A genetic predisposition is probable but less evident than in other functional gastrointestinal disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Psychiatric comorbidity and psychopathological state and trait characteristics could also play a part, although they are not specific to functional dyspepsia and are less pronounced than in IBS. Possible differential diagnoses include Helicobacter pylori infection and peptic ulceration. Pharmacological therapy is mostly based on the subtype of functional dyspepsia, such as prokinetic and fundus-relaxing drugs for PDS and acid-suppressive drugs for EPS, whereas centrally active neuromodulators and herbal drugs play a minor part. Psychotherapy is effective only in a small subset of patients, whereas quality of life can be severely affected in nearly all patients. Future therapies might include novel compounds that attempt to treat the underlying gastric and duodenal inflammation. NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS VOLUME 3 | ARTICLE NUMBER 17081 | 1 PRIMER © 2 0 1 7 M a c m i l l a n P u b l i s h e r s L i m i t e d , p a r t o f S p r i n g e r N a t u r e . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .standard therapy for gastro -oesophageal reflux disease. Paediatric dyspeptic symptoms are being addressed in a separate classification effort 10 . This Primer covers functional dyspepsia in adults only, although we sporadically refer to paediatric functional dyspepsia when similarities exist.
EpidemiologyThe population prevalence of functional dyspepsia is quite variable across the globe, with overall high numbers (10-40%) in Western countries and low numbers (5-30%) in Asia, independent of the respective functional dyspepsia definitions 11 . A large-scale health and nutrition survey from France 12 (which involved >35,000 people) identified that 15% of individuals had suspected functional dyspepsia, 28% had irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and 6% had both. The population of patients who are affected by both IBS and functional dyspepsia has been reported to range between 10% and 27% in previous studies 13 and to approach 30% in popu lation samples; it could be even higher in specific populations 14,15 . This observation has given rise to the term 'overlap syndrome' (REF. 13), which calls into question the sensitivity and specificity of the Rome criteria, at least for IBS and functional dyspepsia. This argument is also supported by the observation that patients with functional dyspepsia m...