We consider zero-cycles on algebraic varieties dened over number elds. The Hasse principle and weak approximation property are obstructed by the Brauer group of the variety and it is conjectured to be the only obstruction for all proper smooth varieties by Colliot-Thélène, Sansuc, Kato and Saito. We summarize the progress related to this conjecture, particularly for higher dimensional varieties such as brations and homogeneous varieties.In the 1970's, Manin dened the following pairing between the local points of X and the Brauer group of X, cf., [33]. 2010 AMS Mathematics subject classication. Primary 11G35, 14C25, 14G25. Keywords and phrases. Brauer and Manin's obstruction, Hasse principle, weak approximation, zero-cycles.This survey is based on a talk given by the author at the 6th Asian Mathematical Conference,