Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) banding patterns were compared between san~ples of the same year class of the scallop Pecten maximus (L.) from 5 locations (beds) within the commercial fishing grounds around the Isle of Man (UK) Phenotypic analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated that s~g n~f~c a n t differentiation was present betwccn these beds, although this accounted for only 2'1;, of total var~ation, the rem.ainder being between ~ndividuals within beds As conflrlned by multivariate analyses (PCOORD and UPC;MA clustel-lng), samples from the 2 northern Isle of Man beds resembled each other particularly closely, as did 2 southwestern beds, while the f~fth, East Douglas, was relatively distinct. Cornpal-ison was extended to 2 samples taken outside the Irish Sea, from Mulroy Bay (Co. Donegal, Eire) and Plymouth (southwest England) Differentiation between the 3 regions was significant, accounting for 7' 1: of total variation in a data set with balanced regional representation. A Mantel test on the whole data set revealed no significant correlation of phenotypic distance, based on RAPD banding pattern, with geographic distance. The potential correlation was largely destroyed by the marked differentiation of the population in Mulroy Bay, a semi-enclosed sea lough, and by the unexpectedly high phenotypic similarity between the Plymouth sample and the 2 northernmost Isle of Man samples. The RAPD data presented here p r o v~d e the first evidence of population genetic structuring in exploited open-water stocks of this specles, since previous allozyme studles of P. maximus have indicated genetlc uniformity. Differentiat~on of the Mulroy Bay population from open-water stocks has been demonstrated previously in a study of mtDNA polymorphisms.KEY WORDS: Pecten maxlnius Pectinidae . Scallops RAPD . Population structure . G e n e t~c differentiation
INTRODUCTIONThe management of shellfish populations for continuing exploitation requires knowledge of the extents to which different fishing grounds are reproductively self-sustaining or supplied by larvae originating from further away. This will be influenced by the scale and pattern of larval dispersal, which is, however, extremely difficult to monitor directly. One important line 'Present address: