Linear acoustic wave-splitting is an often used tool in describing sound-wave propagation through earth's subsurface. Earth's subsurface is in general anisotropic due to the presence of water-filled porous rocks. Due to the complexity and the implicitness of the wave-splitting solutions in anisotropic media, wave-splitting in seismic experiments is often modeled as isotropic. With the present paper, we have derived a simple wave-splitting procedure for an instantaneously reacting anisotropic media that includes spatial variation in depth, yielding both a traditional (approximate) and a 'true amplitude' wave-field decomposition. One of the main advantages of the method presented here is that it gives an explicit asymptotic representation of the linear acoustic-admittance operator to all orders of smoothness for the smooth, positive definite anisotropic material parameters considered here. Once the admittance operator is known we obtain an explicit asymptotic wave-splitting solution.1 dia. This solution enables us to obtain an explicit asymptotic representation of the wave-splitting operators in such anisotropic media.Wave-splitting, or wave-field decomposition, is a tool to decompose the wave-field into 'up'-and 'down'-going wave field constituents in configurations with a certain directionality [19,11,18,24], as e.g., a seismic experiment for probing earth's subsurface e.g., [23]. The wave-splitting procedure results in two one-way equations for the wave-field constituents. Wavesplitting has been used to model and analyze wave propagation in both inverse problems and migration models. The method of wave-splitting has a long history with a wide area of applications; an overview of some of the history is given in [8]. For the isotropic case wave-splitting has been used extensively to construct fast propagation methods [12,7,27,35].Recently, there has been an interest in methods that are almost frequency independent in calculation complexity based on wave-splitting [29,25]. Wave-splitting has also given raise to algorithms to reconstruct material parameters, for example the generalized Bremmer coupling series approach and the downward continuation approach [11,23,30] see also [33]. Another application area of wave-splitting is in the context of boundary conditions and time-reversal mirrors [17,6]. Wave-splitting methods have been implemented in several physically different contexts and for a range of constitutive relations: wave-splitting for wave equations [32,34]. The electromagnetic equations are wave-field decomposed both for isotropic [22,5,24], anisotropic lossless (the spectral theoretical approach) [16] and wave-splitting has been extended to the homogeneous lossless stratified bi-anisotropic case [26,20]. Wave-splitting methods have been applied to linear-elastodynamic equations as for propagation on beams see e.g., [15] as well as in the half-space in homogeneous stratified anisotropic media [9] and up-/down symmetric media [13].One limitation to the present methods of wave-splitting is that it has been al...