Catalysis / Chemical Kinetics / Computer Experiments / Oscillatory Chemical Reactions / Thermal AnalysisThe oscillatory Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction and its subsystems were studied by z 1700 DTA and UV experiments performed at linearly increased temperature. The starting concentrations of bromate, bromide, catalyst, and malonic acid were varied in order to obtain "concentration codes" of such series. These represent the dependence of any parameters in discrete ranges of the starting concentrations of the different components. Particularly adequate for a model check are the mechanistic codes (= MCC's), which concern the shape index and reaction type index: If these mechanistic coordinates remain constant in such a concentration interval, other data, e.g. activation energies, can be attributed to a rate-determining process. -The results led to a nine-step model which is based on the FKN mechanism and is capable of roughly reproducing the influence of the initial concentrations and heating rate on 11 parameters characteristic of the envelope and of the oscillations of the experimental signals. The MCC's of the experimental and theoretical series are similar, revealing 4-5 rate-determining steps in the different concentration ranges. -The activation energies agree with values from the literature, cited for three steps; these and further resulting activation energies are consistent with our studies with subsystems.