Original scientific paperResearch results about the impact of transformational leadership on business performance in companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina are presented in this paper. Financial performance and new product development are considered as business performances. Shown data are gained from survey of N=127 top managers. Descriptive statistics and correlation analysis are statistical evaluation methods used in this survey. The research results show that transformational leadership has positive impact on acquirement of high level financial performance of company and new product development. Research has also shown that leaders and managers of companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina focus their attention more on tasks than on people. So recommendation for them is to pay more attention to the changes, the future and long-term plans, as well as to their employees. It is very important for leaders to be ready to create and implement changes, to have vision, to be focused to the future and long-term plans and effects.
Keywords: Bosnia and Herzegovina; financial performance; new product development; transformational leadership
Utjecaj transformacijskog liderstva na poslovne performanseIzvorni znanstveni članak U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja utjecaja transformacijskog liderstva na poslovne performanse u poduzećima u Bosni i Hercegovini. Kao poslovne performase posmatraju se finansijske performanse i razvoj novog proizvoda. Podaci su dobiveni anketiranjem N=127 vrhunskih menadžera. Od metoda statističke obrade podataka korišteni su deskriptivna statistika i korelacijska analiza. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da transformacijsko liderstvo ima pozitivan utjecaj na postizanje visoke razine financijskih performansi poduzeća i na razvoj novog proizvoda. Također, istraživanje je pokazalo da lideri i menadžeri u poduzećima u Bosni i Hercegovini imaju veću usmjerenost na zadatke nego na ljude. U tom smislu, preporuka za njih jeste da više pozornosti posvećuju promjenama, budućnosti i dugoročnim planovima, ali i svojim zaposlenicima. Naročito je značajno da su lideri spremni na kreiranje i uvođenje promjena, da imaju viziju, da su okrenuti ka budućnosti i dugoročnim planovima i učincima.