Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) have important functions during epithelial development. In Drosophila, extracellular Short gastrulation (Sog) limits the action of the BMP family member Decapentaplegic (Dpp). We have shown that Integrin receptors regulate Sog activity and distribution during pupal wing development to direct placement of wing veins. Here, we show that Integrins perform a similar function in the follicular epithelium, impacting Dpp function during oogenesis and embryonic development. As reported for the wing, this effect is specific to mew, which codes for alphaPS1 integrin. Sog is subject to cleavage by metalloproteases, generating fragments with different properties. We also show that Integrins regulate the distribution of C- and N-terminal Sog fragments in both epithelia, suggesting they may regulate the quality of BMP outputs. Our data indicate that alphaPS1betaPS integrin receptors regulate the amount and type of Sog fragments available for diffusion in the extracellular space during oogenesis and pupal wing development.