This paper considers the problem of minimizing the total drag of a nonlifting, slender, twodimensional or axisymmetric body of given length and diameter in hypersonic flow under the assumption that the distribution of pressure coefficients is Newtonian and that the distribution of friction coefficients vs the abscissa is represented by a power law. For the two-dimensional problem, the extremal arc is a wedge regardless of the amount of friction drag and the way it is distributed along the contour. For the axisymmetric problem, the extremal arc includes at most two subarcs, one of which is called the regular shape, and the other, the spike of zero thickness. Furthermore, the solution depends strongly on the friction parameter Kf, which is proportional to the cubic root of the average friction coefficient divided by the thickness ratio. If the friction parameter is less than or equal to a certain critical value K /c , the extremal arc of the axisymmetric problem consists of a regular shape only. For K f -0, the regular shape is a -f-power body. However, for all other values of K f < K fc9 the regular shape is not a power body .If Kf = K fe9 the regular shape is a power body of exponent n = 1 for the constant friction coefficient model, n = y|-for the turbulent flow model, and n = -f for the laminar flow model. Finally, if K f > K fc9 the extremal arc includes a spike of zero thickness and a regular shape. This regular shape is conical only in the constant friction coefficient case; otherwise, it is not conical but approaches a cone in the immediate neighborhood of the axis of symmetry. The difference between the shapes calculated for a constant friction coefficient and those calculated for a variable friction coefficient are of some importance in the laminar flow case but small for the turbulent flow case. For the turbulent regime, it seems entirely permissible to determine the optimum shapes assuming a constant friction coefficient but correcting the drag a posteriori to account for the variation of the friction coefficient along the contour.