The paper concerns the q-state Potts model (i.e., with spin values in {1, . . . , q}) on a Cayley tree T k of degree k ≥ 2 (i.e., with k + 1 edges emanating from each vertex) in an external (possibly random) field. We construct the so-called splitting Gibbs measures (SGM) using generalized boundary conditions on a sequence of expanding balls, subject to a suitable compatibility criterion. Hence, the problem of existence/uniqueness of SGM is reduced to solvability of the corresponding functional equation on the tree. In particular, we introduce the notion of translation-invariant SGMs and prove a novel criterion of translation invariance. Assuming a ferromagnetic nearest-neighbour spin-spin interaction, we obtain various sufficient conditions for uniqueness. For a model with constant external field, we provide in-depth analysis of uniqueness vs. non-uniqueness in the subclass of completely homogeneous SGMs by identifying the phase diagrams on the "temperature-field" plane for different values of the parameters q and k. In a few particular cases (e.g., q = 2 or k = 2), the maximal number of completely homogeneous SGMs in this model is shown to be 2 q − 1, and we make a conjecture (supported by computer calculations) that this bound is valid for all q ≥ 2 and k ≥ 2.
Contents2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 82B26; Secondary 60K35. 4 L. V. BOGACHEV AND U. A. ROZIKOV1.2. Set-up. We start by summarizing the basic concepts for Gibbs measures on a Cayley tree, and also fix some notation.1.2.1. Cayley tree. Let T k be a (homogeneous) Cayley tree of degree k ≥ 2, that is, an infinite connected cycle-free (undirected) regular graph with each vertex incident to k + 1 edges. 3 For example, T 1 = Z. Denote by V = {x} the set of the vertices of the tree and by E = { x, y } the set of its (non-oriented) edges connecting pairs of neighbouring vertices. The natural distance d(x, y) on T k is defined as the number of edges on the unique path connecting vertices x, y ∈ V . In particular, x, y ∈ E whenever d(x, y) = 1. A (non-empty) set Λ ⊂ V is called connected if for any x, y ∈ Λ the path connecting x and y lies in Λ. We denote the complement of Λ by Λ c := V \ Λ and its boundary by ∂Λ := {x ∈ Λ c : ∃y ∈ Λ, d(x, y) = 1}, and we writeΛ = Λ ∪ ∂Λ. The subset of edges in Λ is denotedFix a vertex x • ∈ V , interpreted as the root of the tree. We say that y ∈ V is a direct successor of x ∈ V if x is the penultimate vertex on the unique path leading from the root x • to the vertex y; that is, d(x • , y) = d(x • , x) + 1 and d(x, y) = 1. The set of all direct successors of x ∈ V is denoted S(x). It is convenient to work with the family of the radial subsets centred at x • , defined for n ∈ N 0 := {0} ∪ N byinterpreted as the "ball" and "sphere", respectively, of radius n centred at the root x • . Clearly, ∂V n = W n+1 . Note that if x ∈ W n then S(x) = {y ∈ W n+1 : d(x, y) = 1}. In the special case x = x • we have S(x • ) = W 1 . For short, we set E n := E Vn .Remark 1.1. Note that the sequence of balls (V n ) (n ∈ N 0 ) is ...