The stellarator experiment Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) is designed for stationary plasma operation (30 minutes). Plasma facing components (PFCs) such as the divertor targets, baffles, heat shields and wall panels are being installed in the plasma vessel (PV) in order to protect it and other invessel components. The different PFCs will be exposed to different magnitude of heat loads in the range of 100 kW/m2 to 10 MW/m2 during plasma operation. An important issue concerning the design of these PFCs is the thermo-mechanical analysis to verify their suitability for the specified operation phases. A series of finite element (FE) simulations has been performed to achieve this goal. Previous studies focused on the test divertor unit (TDU) and high heat flux (HHF) target elements. The paper presents detailed FE thermo-mechanical analyses of a prototype HHF target module, baffles, heat shields and wall panels, as well as benchmarking against tests.
Xuebing PengMr.Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, EURATOM Association,Greifswald, Germany 14 September 2012 Dear Dr. Ing.Olaf, Please accept the attached manuscript of the paper, named Thermo-mechanical analysis of Wendelstein 7-X plasma facing components, for SOFT-27 special issue. The paper is about the thermo-mechanical analysis of Wendelstein 7-X plasma facing components, including the high heat flux divertor targets, baffles, heat shields and wall panels, in order to verify their suitability for steady state operation.I greatly appreciate you taking time to read this letter and the paper, and am look forward to hearing from you.
Best regardsSincerely yours, Xuebing Peng.
Cover Letter
Research Highlights Thermo-mechanical analysis of HHF divertor module TM-H09 shows that it can withstand heat loads of 10 MW/m 2 in steady state when the supports was optimized accordingly. FE calculations indicate that the tiles of baffles and heat shields can withstand stationary heat loads of 250 kW/m 2 , but that the pulse length of plasma operation must be limited depending on the number of full load (500 kW/m 2 ) cycles. Gap requirements for wall panels during assembly were defined based on several FE calculations. The stellarator experiment Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) is designed for stationary plasma operation (30 minutes). Plasma facing components (PFCs) such as the divertor targets, baffles, heat shields and wall panels are being installed in the plasma vessel (PV) in order to protect it and other in-vessel components. The different PFCs will be exposed to different magnitude of heat loads in the range of 100 kW/m 2 to 10 MW/m 2 during plasma operation. An important issue concerning the design of these PFCs is the thermo-mechanical analysis to verify their suitability for the specified operation phases. A series of finite element (FE) simulations has been performed to achieve this goal. Previous studies focused on the test divertor unit (TDU) and high heat flux (HHF) target elements. The paper presents detailed FE thermo-mechanical analyses of a prototype HHF target modu...