In a previous publication, we studied mass transfer at a rotating disk electrode in "inert" particle suspensions. We now account for the variations of the limiting diffusion current with numerous parameters by different phenomena. These involved either the topography of the interface through adhesion of the particles to the electrode or the mass exchanges in the diffusion layer through changes in the velocity field and/or diffusion coefficient. Each phenomenon, considered separately, gives rise to one or more linear segments for the variations of current with the rotation speed ft, in logarithmic coordinates. Considering all the invoked phenomena, we would expect more segments than the four observed in experimental log I vs. log gt plots. Analyzing the consequences of each phenomenon in the whole f~ range allows one to disregard some of them for certain ft values and to account for most of the experimental results. At low ft values, two predominant phenomena, with antagonistic effects, explain the deviations from the one-phase media behavior: the reduction of the exchange area and the increase of the apparent diffusion coefficient through changes in the size of aggregates along the streamlines. Moreover. for small-size particles or for particle concentrations sufficiently high, deviations from newtonian behavior are also observed. At intermediate and high ~ values, the predominant phenomenon is the variation of the diffusion coefficient with the shear rate. Depending on the ratio of the diffusion layer thickness over the particle size (g/a), two different laws can describe this variation.In the first paper of this series (1), we determined, using an electrochemical method, the influence of several parameters on mass transfer in two-phase media. These parameters are inherent in the particle, the medium, and the rotating disk electrode (RDE). The fact that the influence of each of them is closely dependent on the influence of the others suggests that various phenomena must take place at the interface, with shear rate dependent relative weights.We present here a general model in order to take into account most of our experimental results and to interpret the "particle-wall-flow" interactions which control the mass transfer to the wall.The particles are known to induce discrepancies on mass transfer with respect to the supernatant. Three different approaches have been used in the literature to account for these discrepancies: a hydrodynamic approach, a diffusional approach, and a third approach in which blocking of the exchange area is invoked. The two first approaches disregard the role of the electrode surface, and lead to an increase of mass transfer. The third approach only takes into account the phenomena at the interface and leads to a decrease of mass transfer. This last approach ignores the particle-induced perturbations of the volume-related phenomena.The first and most microscopic approach was employed in the case of the rotating disk electrode (2, 3). It consists in solving with important approximations th...