Abstract.Endogenous and maximum respiration rates of nine purple sulfur bacterial strains were determined. Endogenous rates were below 10 nmol 0 2 9 (mg protein.min) -1 for sulfur-free cells and 15-35nmol 02 9 (mg protein 9 min)-1 for cells containing intracellular sulfur globules. With sulfide as electron-donating substrate respiration rates were considerably higher than with thiosulfate. Maximum respiration rates of Thiocystis violacea 2711 and Thiorhodovibrio winogradskyi SSP1 (254.8 and 264.2 nmol 02 " (mg protein-min)-1, respectively) are similar to those of aerobic bacteria. Biphasic respiration curves were obtained for sulfur-free cells of Thiocvstis violacea 2711 and Chromatium vinosum 2811. In Thiocystis violacea the rapid and incomplete oxidation of thiosulfate was five times faster than the oxidation of stored sulfur. A high affinity of the respiratory system for oxygen (Kin = 0.3 0.9 gM O2, Vm,x = 260nmo1 O2" (rag protein-min) -1 with sulfide as substrate, Kin=0.6 2.4gM 02, Vmax= 14-40nmo1 O2"(mg protein -min)-1 with thiosulfate as substrate), for sulfide (K~ = 0.47 ~tM, Vm,x = 650 nmol HzS 9 (rag protein x rain) -~, and for thiosulfate (K~ = 5-6 ~tM, Vm,x = 24-72nmol S 2 0 2 -. ( m g protein-rain) -1 was obtained for different strains. Respiration of Thiocvstis violacea was inhibited by very low concentrations of NaCN (Kz = 1.7 ~tM) while CO concentrations of up to 300 gM were not inhibitory. The capacity for chemotrophic growth of six species was studied in continuous culture at oxygen concentrations of 11 to 67 gM. Thiocystis violacea 2711, Amoebobacter roseus 6611, Thiocapsa roseopersicina 6311 and Thiorhodovibrio winogradskyi SSP1 were able to grow chemotrophically with thiosulfate/acetate or sulfide/acetate. Chromatium vinosum 2811 and Amoebobacter purpureus ML1 failed to grow under these conditions. During shift from phototrophic to chemotrophic conditions intracellular sulfur and carbohydrate accumulated transiently inside the * Present address and address for correspondence: J. Overmann, Department of Microbiology, University of British Columbia, 300-6174 Umversity Boulevard, Vancouver. B.C., Canada V6T 1Z3 cells. During chemotrophic growth bacteriochlorophyll a was below the detection limit.