This study combines float data from different projects collected between 1991 and 2003 in the South Atlantic to describe the flow of Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW). Velocity space-time averages are calculated for various grid resolutions and with cells deformed to match the bathymetry, f/H or f/h (with H being the water depth and h being the thickness of the AAIW layer). When judged by the degree of alignment between respective isolines and the resulting average velocity fields, the best grid is based on a nominal cell size of 31 (latitude) by 41 (longitude) with cell shapes deformed according to f/h. Using this grid, objectively estimated mean currents (and their associated errors), as well as meridional and zonal volume transports are estimated. Results show an anticyclonic Subtropical Gyre centred near 361S and spanning from 23711S to 46711S. The South Atlantic Current meanders from 331S to 461S and shows a mean speed of 9.677.8 cm s À1 (8.573.5 Sv; 1 Sv ¼ 1 Â 10 6 m 3 s À1 ). The northern branch of the Subtropical Gyre is located between 221S and 321S and flows westward with a mean speed of 4.773.3 cm s À1 (9.373.4 Sv). Evidence of a cyclonic Tropical Gyre divided in two sub-cells is visible on the stream function. r