Let l := q(n) × q(n), where q(n) denotes the queer Lie superalgebra. The associative superalgebra V of type Q(n) has a left and right action of q(n), and hence is equipped with a canonical l-module structure. We consider a distinguished basis {D λ } of the algebra of l-invariant super-polynomial differential operators on V , which is indexed by strict partitions of length at most n. We show that the spectrum of the operator D λ , when it acts on the algebra P(V ) of super-polynomials on V , is given by the factorial Schur Qfunctions of Okounkov and Ivanov. As an application, we show that the radial projections of the spherical super-polynomials (corresponding to the diagonal symmetric pair (l, m), where m := q(n)) of irreducible l-submodules of P(V ) are the classical Schur Q-functions. As a further application, we compute the Harish-Chandra images of the Nazarov basis {C λ } of the centre of U(q(n)).