Objective: Soccer is a highly demanding intermittent sport that involves fluctuations between low and high intensity activities. Therefore, soccer players are required to be adequately prepared both from the point of view of food, hydration, and supplementation to meet the match energy requirements. Materials and Methods: For the construction of this review, the author used, in addition to the works to reference the introduction, five of his published articles on soccer. Results: The carbohydrate prescription range from 5 to 10 gkg−1 BW day−1 and protein ingestion for improve Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS) is 0.4 gkg−1 BW meal−1 using 4 meals day−1. When the subject is hydration for elite soccer players, it becomes interesting offer before match 5 to 7 mlkg-1 body weight 4 hours before and 3 to 5 ml kg-1 BW 2 hours before match. And to improve the performance of elite soccer athletes, the most studied ergogenic and dietary supplements by the scientific community are creatine (3-5 gday−1 or 0.075 gkg−1 BW day−1), caffeine (6 mgkg−1 BW), sodium bicarbonate (0.4 gkg−1 BW), beta-alanine (3.2-6.4 gday−1), nitrate-rich beet juice (6 mmol of NO3− L), taurine 50 mgkg−1 BW day−1), citrulline (1.2-3.4 gday−1) and arginine (1.2-6 gday−1). Conclusion: In summary, the high-performance elite soccer players during a match day can use creatine, caffeine, sodium bicarbonate, beta-alanine, nitrate-rich beet juice, taurine, citrulline, arginine, including carbohydrate and protein prescription, and adjusted hydration.