Employments of highly durable low carbon technologies are crucial for mitigation of climate change ensuring sustainable infrastructures. In this perspective, a challenging initiative for ultra-high durability low carbon prestressed concrete bridges utilizing sustainable zero cement concrete (STC-ZERO) and nonmetallic reinforcement is undertaken. STC-ZERO exhibiting high strength, low shrinkage, and low creep reduces carbon emission up to 70% compared to the conventional concrete as cement is entirely replaced. Aramid fiber PC tendons have no factor of deterioration of concrete thanks to nonexistence of corrosion. Accordingly, an AASTHO-PCI BT-72 PC girder bridge and a butterfly web bridge are designed incorporating this combination and compared with corresponding conventional bridges with respect to whole life carbon emissions. Since there are no repair and rehabilitation requirements, the whole life carbon emissions of next generation non-metallic bridges are expected to be reduced by around 70%.