Recent stratigraphic studies of the expanded Early Carboniferous marine sequences in the southern New England Belt, New South Wales, have indicated the need for a revision of the Flagstaff Sandstone of Roberts (1961). the Flagstaff Formation.Because of lithological diversity, the unit is renamed Within the Salisbury-Brownmore district five new members are defined: the Allyn River, Underbank Mudstone, Brownmore Sandstone, Bandon Grove Limestone and Lostock Sandstone Members. (Allyn River Member), to shallow marine-shelfal deposition (Lostock Sandstone Member).These are indicative of a transition from deep water turbidite deposition The five members are correlated with the upper part of the Woolooma Formation and part of the Isismurra Formation in the Rouchel district, and the Boolambayte Formation in the Gloucester-Myall Lakes district.The uppermost unit, the Lostock Sandstone Member, is disconformably overlain by ashflow tuff and conglomeratic lateral equivalents of the Gilmore Volcanic Group, representing a complete marine regression in the southern New England Belt during the Early Carboniferous.