Cardiac pacemaking generation and modulation rely on the coordinated activity of several processes. Although a wealth of evidence indicates a relevant role of the I f ("funny," or pacemaker) current, whose molecular constituents are the hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels and particularly HCN4, work with mice where Hcn genes were knocked out, or functionally modified, has challenged this view. However, no previous studies used a cardiac-specific promoter to induce HCN4 ablation in adult mice. We report here that, in an inducible and cardiac-specific HCN4 knockout (ciHCN4-KO) mouse model, ablation of HCN4 consistently leads to progressive development of severe bradycardia (∼50% reduction of original rate) and AV block, eventually leading to heart arrest and death in about 5 d. In vitro analysis of sinoatrial node (SAN) myocytes isolated from ciHCN4-KO mice at the mean time of death revealed a strong reduction of both the I f current (by ∼70%) and of the spontaneous rate (by ∼60%). In agreement with functional results, immunofluorescence and Western blot analysis showed reduced expression of HCN4 protein in SAN tissue and cells. In ciHCN4-KO animals, the residual I f was normally sensitive to β-adrenergic receptor (β-AR) modulation, and the permanence of rate response to β-AR stimulation was observed both in vivo and in vitro. Our data show that cardiac HCN4 channels are essential for normal heart impulse generation and conduction in adult mice and support the notion that dysfunctional HCN4 channels can be a direct cause of rhythm disorders. This work contributes to identifying the molecular mechanism responsible for cardiac pacemaking.funny current | heart rate | sinoatrial node | atrioventricular node | chronotropism T he degree of complexity of the processes involved in pacemaking and their individual contributions is still a hotly debated issue (1, 2). Despite this complexity, and granting the fact that perturbation of any participating mechanism can affect rate, there is evidence for a functional specificity of "funny" (f)-channels in mediating generation and physiological control of pacemaker activity.Native f-channels are encoded by four hyperpolarizationactivated, cyclic nucleotide-gated channel genes (Hcn1-4), of which Hcn4 is by far the most highly expressed in the cardiac pacemaker regions of different species (3-6). HCN4 contributes 80% of total HCN mRNA in rabbit and mouse sinoatrial node (SAN), the remaining 20% being a combination of HCN2 and HCN1, with species-dependent relative abundance (4,5,(7)(8)(9). Evidence for the role of f/HCN4 channels in pacemaking relies on several experimental data (10):i) The "funny" (I f ) current and pacemaker activity are correlated; i.e., functional expression of f-channels is restricted to pacemaking regions [SAN, atrioventricular node (AVN), and the ventricular conduction system], demonstrating a commitment to regulation of pacemaker activity. This correlation exists not only in the adult but also throughout development, such that ...