Ob jec tive:To ex am ine changes in prev a lence rates of treated schizo phre nia over 10 years in a small ur ban teach ing cen tre us ing data from the Kingston Psy chi at ric Re cord Link age Sys tem (KPRLS).
Method:The KPRLS, a psy chi at ric case reg is ter es tab lished in 1984, col lects and links de mo graphic, di ag nos tic, and ser vice use in for ma tion for all psy chi at ric in pa tients, out pa tients and emer gency con tacts at the 3 hos pi tals in Kingston, On tario. A pre lim inary com par i son of first ad mis sions for schizo phre nia used chart re view (1976)(1977)(1978) and KPRLS data (1996KPRLS data ( -1998. The KPRLS data were used to cal cu late pop u la tion-based prev a lence rates of treated schizo phre n ia in 3 cen sus years (1986, 1991, 1996) for pa tients in the 2 coun ties clos est to Kingston.
Re sults:The pre lim i nary com par i son showed a 42% de crease in the num ber of first-admission schizo phre nia cases over 20 years. In the main study, the an nual in pa tient prev a lence rates de creased sig nif i cantly (52%) from 1986 to 1996 with no cor re spond ing change in out pa tient rates, re gard less of sex. Al though to tal ma jor af fec tive dis or ders in creased, this was due to an in crease in major de pres sion, not bi po lar dis or der.
Con clu sions:This is the first Ca na dian case-register study to sup port the widely re ported fall ing rates of schizo phre nia in other parts of the world over the last 40 years. Since this is a geo graph i cally lim ited prev a lence study based on only 10 years of data, further re search over lon ger pe ri ods of time in other re gions of the coun try is re quired to sup port or re fute these find ings.(Can J Psy chi a try 2001;46:61-67) Key Words: schizophrenia, prevalence rates, psychiatric case register, epidemiology M any stud ies in the ep i de mi o log i cal lit er a ture sug gest that rates of schizo phre nia have fallen since the late 1960s, al though oth ers con tra dict this find ing. The data are de rived from case reg is ters, of fi cial sta tis tics, in di vid ual hospi tals, and com mu nity-based ser vices. Re ported sta tis tics range from event-based to treated prev a lence to in ci dence rates.Most of the case-register stud ies show a de cline in rates of schizo phre nia. In an age-standardized study of first psy chi atric con tacts in north east Scot land from 1969 to 1984, Ea gles and oth ers showed a sig nif i cant de crease in schizo phre nia with no con com i tant rise in other di ag nos tic groups (1). Geddes and oth ers in Scot land, us ing age-standardized first-admission co horts, found a sig nif i cant de cline in schizophre nia from 1969 to 1988, again with no re cip ro cal in crease in other di ag no ses, and in fact, they found a de crease in the rates for com bined psy cho ses (2). Kendell and oth ers in Ed inburgh found a sig nif i cant fall in first-admission rates from 1971 to 1989 but con cluded that chang ing di ag nos tic cri te ria and in ac cu rate la bel ling of first ad mis sions could ...