This study aimed to determine improvement in the ability of observation report text writing through discovery learning model containing Banyumas culture of making batiks. This classroom action study was conducted in 2 cycles. The objects of this study were the result of observation report text writing on students' batik making activities. Based on the discussion result, it can be concluded that through discovery learning model, the students could improve their skills in writing observation report text. This was proven by average scores in each cycle, such as: the average score of pre-tests was 53,6, the average score in cycle 1 was 65,55; cycle 2 was 73,05. Moreover, from the observation result, it found that students who have low scores tend to be passive, out of focus, and quickly get bored in learning process. That was proven by students who were sleepy and less enthusiastic caused by exhaustion. In contrast to the students who have low scores, the high-scores students tend to be more active and excited in paying attention during learning process.