S UMMAR Y The study was conducted in preschools in the Reykjavik region in Iceland. The purpose of the study was twofold: to learn about the role of educational personnel in children's dramatic play in Icelandic preschools, and to investigate how they intervened. Secondly, the study also attempted to gain the practitioner's attitudes and opinions concerning children's dramatic play and their view of their own role and function. The data were collected using observation and videotaping of educational personnel's actions while the children were engaged in dramatic play. A questionnaire was distributed to a sample of other preschool personnel in the area. It was found that in approximately 38% of the observed time the adults were outside the room where the children were playing. The results from the observations indicate that adult participation was not common and it most frequently occurred outside the theme of the play. It was also found that adult behaviour was related to setting. Most of the educational personnel in the survey saw their role as that of informaI observer. Most however also felt that they should take care that no child be left out and they should guide the play in the right direction and participate when necessary. The findings of both the observations and the survey [] indicate that preschool practitioners in Icelandic preschools have a rather passive or reserved role in children's dramatic play and that they are reluctant to participate in the play unless the initiative comes from the children. Even so the majority of the survey participants answered that they should prepare the play and have influence on the play.
RESUMECette btude a ~t~ men~e dans des kcoles maternelles de la rbgion de Reykjavik, en Islande. Son objectif est double. II est de mieux comprendre le r~le du personnel kducatif dans les jeux symboliques proposks dans les bcoles islandaises et d'btudier la fa¢on dont ils interviennent. II est ~galement d'analyser les attitudes et les opinions des professionnels "a l"egard de ce type de jeux ainsi qu" "a l"¢gard de leur propre r~le et fonction. Les donnbes recueillies, "a partir d'observations et d'enregistremen ts vid~oscopbs, concernent les actions des professionels pendant que les enfants jouent. Un questionnaire a ~galement btb distribu~ "a un kchantillon de professionels d'autres ~coles de la rbgion. Les r~sultats montrent qu'environ 38% du temps d'observation, les adultes n'ktaient pas dans la salle de classe oh les enfants jouaient. Ils indiquent que les adultes participent peu et que lorsqu 'ils interviennent, c" est le plus souvent en dehors des th'emes du jeu et plut~t au niveau de la situation. L' enqu~te indique que la plupart des personnels con¢oivent leur r~le comme celui d'un observateur informel. Beaucoup, cependant, pensent devoir faire attention "ace qu'aucun enfant ne soit d~laiss~, orienter le jeu dans la bonne direction et participer si nbcessaire. Les conclusions des observations et des questionnaires indiquent que les personnels des bcoles maternelles islandais...