SUMMARYDisrupted cells of some Desulfovibrio species, of Desulfotomaculum ruminis and of certain other anaerobes produced methane as a minor product of pyruvic phosphoroclasm. In one Desulfovibrio species the reaction, which was not specially sensitive to air, involved vitamin BI2, coenzyme A, thiamine pyrophosphate, magnesium ions and acetyl phosphate. Adenine and other nucleotides stimulated the reaction; a mixture of ATP and AMP was most effective. Methionine stimulated the reaction but the other methyl donors did not. In optimal conditions methane accounted for 0.1 to 0.02 mole % of the pyruvate metabolized, formed at 20 to 30 nl.CH,/mg. bacterial protein/hr. Tests in D20 indicated that the methane came from the methyl-carbon of pyruvate ; correspondingly, ethane formation from a-ketobutyrate was detected.
I N T R O D U C T I O NSisler & ZoBell (I 95 I) reported that certain cultures of marine sulphate-reducing bacteria, pure by normal criteria, formed methane during growth in lactate + sulphate media. Though occasional references to this finding have appeared, and Sorokin (1956) failed to conlirm it, interest has tended to centre on the disputed question of the oxidation of methane (and other hydrocarbons) by desulfovibrios (e.g. Sorokin, 1957 ;Davis & Yarbrough, 1966). Methane formation by phosphoroclastic preparations from strains of sulphate-reducing bacteria was reported briefly by Postgate (I 969). The present paper describes the reaction in one Desulfovibrio strain in more detail and reports its occurrence in other bacteria.
METHODSCultivation. Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ;variety azotovorans, strain BERRE s (NCIB 8388) was grown at 30" in a 600 ml. continuous-culture apparatus (Baker, 1968) at dilution rates ranging from 0.05 to 0.1 hr-l. The medium used was deficient in k e d nitrogen ; it contained (g./l.) : KH2P04, 0.5 ; Na,S04 4-5 ; CaCl, . 2H,O, 0.06 ; MgSO, . 7H20, 0.06; FeSO,. 7H20, 0.004; sodium lactate, 6; sodium citrate, 0.3 (to prevent precipitation of metal hydroxides) in distilled water; plus 10 ml. of a trace element mixture containing (mg.) : H8B08, 2'32; CoSO, . 7H20, 95-6; CuSO, . 5H20, 8 ; MnSO, . 4H20, 8 ; NaMoO, .2H,O, 30 ; ZnSO, . 7H20, 174 in I 1. distilled water. The complete medium was at pH 8-2; the atmosphere was N, containing 6 to 8% (v/v) CO,.The CO, buffered the culture to between pH 7.6 and 8, and displaced excess sulphide.