With the aim of studying the enzymatic hydrolysis of treated and nontreated sugarcane bagasse, severa! experiments were carried out in order to eva!uate the influence of the type of enzyme (commerciaI preparation of Tríchoderma víríde and funga! extract of Aspergillus niger) and the temperature. No difference was observed between the fungaI extract and the commercial preparation when used with the same activity. The study of the influence of the temperature on the activity and stabi!ity of the enzymatic fungaI extract showed that although at 60°C the activity reached a maximum value of 0.44Ul/rnL the stabiIity was lower at this temperature. However, at 50°C the enzymatic activity was lower (0.33Ul1rnL), but the thermal stability was higher. Of the bagasse pre-treatments, that which included sodium hydroxide, phosphoric acid and steam resulted in higher enzymatic susceptibiIity than in that treated with only sodium hydroxide and in the controI (non-treated). The addition of a commercial preparation of l3-gIicosidase increased the saccharification. A maximum saccharification of 59.5% was obtained in the bagasse treated with soda, acid and steam, using commercial preparations of T. viríde and l3-g1icosidase at concentrations of 0.04 and 0.004 g/g of bagasse, respectively.