“…Several complex salts derived from potassium manganese (cobalt or zinc) double oxalates by replacement of C20, groups by (NO,),, (CNS),, or S203 have been described. 54 From an examination of the system iodine-potassium iodide, it is concluded that neither the tri-iodide nor any other polyiodide of potassium can exist as stable solid above 25".s5 I n the case of cesium, the tetraiodide and the tri-iodide can separate either from melts or from aqueous solutions, but the pentaiodide does not exist . 56 German carnallite contains, on the average, 0.02% of rubidium chloride and 0 ~0 0 0 2 ~0 of cesium chloride, and full details have been published 57 of a comparatively rapid and simple method by which practically the whole of this can be recovered in a high state of purity.…”