In this article, we first introduced new types of higher separation axioms called (r,s)-GFS-regular and (r,s)-GFS-normal spaces with the help of (r,s)-generalized fuzzy semi-closed sets (briefly, (r,s)-gfsc sets) and discussed some topological properties of them. Thereafter, we defined a stronger form of (r,s)-gfsc sets called (r,s)-g*fsc sets and investigated some of its features. Moreover, we showed that (r,s)-fsc set → (r,s)-g*fsc set → (r,s)-gfsc set, but the converse may not be true. In addition, we explored new types of fuzzy generalized mappings between double fuzzy topological spaces (U, τ, τ*) and (V, η, η*), and the relationships between these classes of mappings were examined with the help of some illustrative examples. Finally, some new types of compactness via (r,s)-gfso sets were defined and the relationships between them were introduced.