Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a cardiac hormone with natriuretic activity. The aim of this study was to investigate the cardiovascular effects of pathophysiological levels of BNP on central hemodynamics, cardiac function, renal hemodynamics and function, and microvascular hemodynamics in healthy subjects. In this double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study, we intravenously infused BNP (4 pmol. kg-1. min-1) or placebo for 1 h on two separate days in 12 healthy subjects (mean age, 60 +/- 5 yr). Nailfold and conjunctival capillary density, finger-skin (thermoregulatory) microvascular blood flow, and cardiac output were studied before and after infusion using intravital videomicroscopy, laser-Doppler fluxmetry, and echocardiography, respectively. Furthermore, during infusion, we measured the effective renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration rate using p-aminohippurate and inulin clearances. Blood pressure and heart rate were monitored for all measurements. Compared with placebo, BNP significantly decreased stroke volume with a tendency to decrease cardiac output. With subjects in the sitting position, mean arterial pressure decreased and heart rate increased after BNP infusion, whereas with subjects in the supine position, these variables remained unchanged. BNP increased natriuresis, diuresis, glomerular filtration rate, filtration fraction, and filtered load of Na+ compared with placebo, whereas effective renal plasma flow did not change. BNP did not affect the microvascular capillary density of conjunctiva and skin, microvascular blood flow, total skin oxygen capacity, and postocclusive recruitment. These results suggest that BNP has predominantly central and renal hemodynamic effects; however, it does not influence peripheral microcirculation in skin and conjunctiva.