-Effectsof Panax ginseng on the spontaneous motor activity and central dopaminergic systems in old rats were investigated and compared with those in young rats. Oral intake of a 1.8% water extract of Panax ginseng for four weeks produced an increase in spontaneous motor activity during the dark period in old rats, while it caused a decrease in the activity in young rats. After the intake of ginseng extract for five weeks, it caused a significantly low dopamine utilization in the daytime in the striatum of old rats, while it produced a high dopamine utilization in the structure of young rats. Concentrations of striatal dopamine D-2 receptors in old rats were significantly lower than that in young rats, although subchronic Panax ginseng did not affect the striatal D-1 and D-2 receptors of old rats. These results suggest that subchronic intake of ginseng extract inhibits the activity of nigro-striatal dopamine neurons in the daytime and activates spontaneous motor activity during the dark period in old rats, while it produces opposite effects in young rats.Panax ginseng root produces various neuropharmacological effects such as changes in brain biogenic amines, improvement of learning and memory retention (1), promotion of recovery from fatigue (ref. A decrease in motor activity was shown in aged mice in association with an increase in monoamine oxidase activity in the brain (6). Impairment of swimming ability, which was similar to that seen after electrolesion of the lateral hypothalamus including the nigro-striatal dopaminergic neurons, was observed in aged rats (7). Diminution of synthesis, release and re-uptake of dopamine and decrease in D-2 dopamine receptors in the striatum were reported in aged animals (8-11).We investigated the effects of a water extract of Panax ginseng root on spontaneous motor activity and nigro-striatal dopaminergic nervous systems in two year-old rats and compared them with those in young rats.
MATERIALS AND METHODSYoung and old male Fischer 344 rats (3 and 24 months old at the end of the experiment, respectively; Nippon Charles River, Tokyo) were used. They were kept under an alternat-