“…Improvement in employee performance [91,98,103] Launch of new products [66,102,106] Competitive advantages [68,69,106] Employees understanding the process [91,104] Net income [75,105] Process variability [75,108] Capacity utilization [67,108] Return on sales [79,87] Process efficiency [104,108] Available equipment [106,108] Reduction in human errors [91,104] Improvement in housekeeping [91] Return on equity [78] Defects [105] Overtime [66] Reliability [87] Dependability [76] Company's image [100] Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) [58] Social Community quality of life [83,94,100] Safety in the workplace [21,94,100] Job satisfaction [82] Customer retention and loyalty [83] Green image [83] Relationship with the community [100] Health and safety of the society [83] Society wellbeing in all operati...…”