A centrifugal microfluidic platform to develop various microfluidic operations -the first of its kind in South Africa -is presented. Rapid and low-cost prototyping of centrifugal microfluidic disc devices, as well as a set-up to test the devices using centrifugal forces, is described. Preliminary results show that various microfluidic operations such as fluidic valving, transportation, and microfluidic droplet generation can be achieved. This work provides a complete centrifugal microfluidic platform and the building blocks on which to develop a variety of microfluidic applications and potential products rapidly and at a low cost.
OPSOMMING'n Sentrifugale mikrofluidiese platform -'n eerste in Suid-Afrika -vir die ontwikkeling van verskeie mikrofluidiese funksies word aangebied. Vinnige en lae-koste prototipering van sentrifugale mikrofluidiese skyfstrukture, asook 'n opstelling vir die toets van die strukture met sentrifugale kragte, word beskryf. Voorlopige resultate toon dat verskeie mikrofluidiese funksies soos vloeiklepping, vervoer, en druppelgenerasie haalbaar is. Hierdie werk bied 'n volledige sentrifugale mikrofluidiese platform, sowel as die boublokke waarop 'n verskeidenheid van mikrofluidiese toepassings en potensiële produkte vinnig en teen lae koste ontwikkel kan word. † This is an extended version of a paper presented at the