We study the asymptotic Virasoro symmetry which acts on the near-horizon region of extremal four-dimensional black hole solutions of gravity theories with higher-derivative corrections, following the recently proposed Kerr/CFT correspondence. We demonstrate that its central charge correctly reproduces the entropy formula of Iyer-Wald, once the boundary terms in the symplectic structure are carefully chosen.
Downloaded fromhigher derivative corrections were discussed in 10).* ) The higher-derivative contribution to the central charge of the asymptotic Virasoro algebra of AdS 3 was studied in 38) and 39). The former treated the diffeomorphism-invariant Lagrangian density, but used the field redefinition specific to three dimensions which rewrites arbitrary such Lagrangians to the Einstein-Hilbert term with scalar fields with higher-derivative interactions. The latter paper dealt the topologically massive gravity 40) in the canonical ADM formalism, more directly following the approach taken by Brown-Henneaux. 3) It would be instructive to redo their analyses using the covariant phase space method. * * ) The relationship between cohomological methods 15)-18) and the closely related covariant methods based on the linear equations of motion 41)-43) and covariant symplectic methods in first order theories 44), 45) are detailed in 18). at Ernst Mayr Library of the Museum Comp Zoology, Harvard University on July 18, 2015 http://ptp.oxfordjournals.org/ Downloaded from * )Here a corresponds to a trivial cocycle and can be absorbed to a redefinition of H 0 . One can determine a natural definition of the angular momentum H 0 = H ∂ ϕ by performing such change so that a becomes the standard −1, but we do not pursue this direction in this paper.at