In their analysis, authors only considered the time period 2003-2013. It is not clear why both earlier years and the most recent years are excluded from the analysis. It is well-known that there has been significant changes in the basin and the lake water level since late 1990s. Using a statistical change point analysis, Khazaei et al. [in review] identified the year 2000 as the beginning of the period with significant changes in the lake dynamics. So, it is crucial to include all the years post 2000âȂŤthe data availability is not an issue as ULRP now provides researchers with required data. For instance, annual inflows to the lake are highly variable during this period (see the supplement figure), which you also used for calibrating the model. Given such degree of variability, the modelling results are likely sensitive to this variable, and it is important to use the entire time period. Response: Data required for our analysis, except the data you mentioned, is not available before 2000. For example, GRACE satellite was only launched in 2002, and irrigated area reported by ULRP starts from 2001 and ends in 2012 (see Figure 16 in Kamali et al. (2015)). In addition, there are many gaps in groundwater data before 2000. If we want to work only on long term inflow or estimated water use based on empirical equations, we would have repeated the works were done by Shadkam et al. (2016) and Chaudhari et al. (2018), respectively. Furthermore, Iran Water Resources Management Company release data are available with two/three years' delay. Thus, in addition to irrigated area, in situ groundwater data precipitation are not available for the recent years. To sum up, be sure to perform a multi-objective calibration, we consider maximum time interval. Comment#2: You have assumed that the irrigated area in 2013 remains the same as 2012. This assumption is wrong and known to be wrong, as we know that the irrigated area has increased since 2012. Chaudhari et al. [2018] estimated the cropland area of the basin using both MODIS and HYDE 3.1 products (also notice the difference between these two products on Fig 3). Land use change is a major driver in this basin. Expansion of the irrigated area has increased the evapotranspiration losses, and con-C2 HESSD Interactive comment