The discrete general linear inverse problem reduces to a set of m equations in n unknowns. There is generally no unique solution, but we can find k linear combinations of parameters for which restraints are determined. The parameter combinations are given by the eigenvectors of the coefficient matrix. The number k is determined by the ratio of the standard deviations of the observations to the allowable standard deviations 2. Particular solution. We seek a particular set of parameters P• + AP'• that will satisfy the observations within their variance.3. Resolving power. By using the reparameterization determined in par• 1 we wish to find the resolution of the observations in parameter space. Since we cannot determine the corrections for individual parameters uniquely, our approach to studying resolution is to try to find the smallest groups of parameters for which the average value can be determined.
Iniormation distribution. Generally, each particular observation doesno• contribute independent information about the model. We shall determine the distribution of information among the observations. Such knowledge can then be used as a constrain• on data acquisition and smoothing operations. THEORETICAL DISCUSSION In the introduction, I indicated how the general inverse problem can be reduced to the solution of a set of linear simultaneous equations. I shall begin the discussion of the properties of the solution by introducing a matrix notation' Ap • : ß ß ß ß ß ß •b,C t = ---var {AP', } var {Ap'} = vat { AP', } ß ß v•r { AP', } _vat (3) ]c,/oP, ocdoP, ... oc/oP. ß OC'•/OP• ' LOC•/OP• ... Notice that each row of A' corresponds to one particular observation and that each column corresponds to a particular parameter. 254 RALPH A. WIGGINS Example: To help fix ideas, I shall illustrate •he s•eps for constructing the solution to a general inverse problem by considering the specific problem of determining the shear-wave velocity structure of the earth from Rayleigh wave phasevelocity observations. There are two principal types of surface waves generated by earthquakes and explosions: Love waves and Rayleigh waves. The depth of penetration of such waves depends on their period; longer-period waves penetrate deeper than shorter-period waves. In a radially heterogeneous medium, both types of waves are dispersed. The amount of dispersion for Rayleigh waves depends on the shear-wave velocity/•(z), the compressional-wave velocity a(z), and the density p(z) over the range of depths z to which the wave penetrates. The dispersion for Love waves is controlled by only/•(z) and p(z). This example assumes that a(z) and p(z) are known and that we are seeking to determine/•(z). When surface waves travel around the earth several times, various frequencies interfere constructively and destructively to produce discrete modes of free oscillation. Oscillations corresponding to Love-wave interference are called toroidal; oscillations corresponding to Rayleigh-wave interference are called spheroidal. (See Bullen [1965., chapters 5 and 8] or Ga...