Kwecko, P., 2016. Rare earth el e ments (REE) and tho rium in the youn gest Pleis to cene gla cial tills in Po land. Geo log i cal Quar terly, 60 (2): 451-460, doi: 10.7306/gq.1295The study en com passed out crops of gla cial tills (top soil, sub soil-1, sub soil-2) of the max i mum stadial of the Vistulian Glaci ation and of the Wartanian Stadial of the Odranian Gla ci ation, oc cur ring along the max i mum ex tent of the Vistulian ice sheet. The youn gest Pol ish gla cial tills show very sim i lar con cen tra tions of REE and Th. The con cen tra tions of these el ements vary across a wide range from 0.08 mg/kg (Tm and Lu) to 70.3 mg/kg (Ce), with slightly higher val ues for the older tills (Wartanian). Both these tills show clear frac tion ation of LREE and HREE, with a higher and more var ied LREE con centra tion. The most prom i nent fea ture dis tin guish ing one till from the other is the dis tri bu tion of REE frac tions along their verti cal sec tions. In the youn ger (Vistulian) tills the max i mum con cen tra tion of in di vid ual LREE is found at a depth of 1.0 m, and of HREE, Sc and Th, at 2.0 m; while in the older (Wartanian) tills the high est con cen tra tions of all el e ments in ves tigated are ob served at a depth of 1.0 m. Also, the min eral com po si tions of the tills are very alike. The dom i nant min er als are quartz (av er age 56%) and feld spars (ap prox i mately 9%), with a trend of de creas ing con cen tra tions with depth. There are no car bon ates in the top soil (0.3 m level), and the clay min er als are dom i nated by illite (ap prox i mately 16%) and kaolinite (av er age 5%). Sta tis ti cal anal y sis in di cates over a dozen fac tors de ter min ing the con cen tra tion of REE and Th in both tills. Three of them have a cru cial (96% of to tal vari a tion) ef fect on the con cen tra tions of these el e ments. These fac tors are prob a bly of geogenic na ture, in ti mately as so ci ated with sim i lar source ar eas, and with sim i lar pro cesses of de po si tion, diagenesis and weath er ing of the tills.