Grape berries are a good source of nutrients and nutraceuticals and have many benefits for human health. Growing interest in the export potential and consumption of a new grape (cv. Karaerik), cultivated as a table grape in Turkey, encouraged us to profile its major nutrient contents from six different locations. Due to its popularity, the nutritional value of this grape berry needs to be investigated to ascertain its potential economic and health benefits. The most abundant sugars in the grape berry were fructose and glucose (peel/whole fruit; averages 236.57 and 127.87, and 183.36 and 108.60 g kg −1 fresh weight, respectively), while the major organic acids were tartaric and malic acids (7.17 and 2.81, and 2.61 and 1.76 g kg −1 fresh weight, respectively). Linoleic acid (peel/whole fruit/seed; 37.14, 33.12 and 57.83%, respectively) was the predominant fatty acid, while potassium (peel/whole fruit/seed; 9331.5, 10226.33 and 5354 µg/g dry weight, respectively) was the predominant mineral, followed by phosphorus (1592.8, 2672 and 3072.67) in the berry. Our results demonstrate that the nutrient components and physicochemical parameters varied significantly among the sampling locations. The grape berry contains considerable quantities of potentially beneficial healthy nutrients worthy of further evaluation.