The Co tton Quality Research Station (C QRS) of t he USDA-ARS, recently com pleted a com prehensive study of the relationship of cotton fiber properties to the quality of spun yarn. The fiv e year st udy, began in 20 01, utilized co mmercial v ariety co tton gro wn, harvested and ginned in each of t hree major growing regions in the US (Georgia, Mississippi, and Texas). CQRS m ade extensi ve m easurements of the ra w cotton properties (both physical and chemical) of 154 lots of blended co tton. These lo ts were then spun into yarn in the CQRS labo ratory by vortex spinning with sev eral ch aracteristics of th e yar n and sp inning efficiency m easured for e ach l ot. T his st udy examines the use of a m ultivariate statistical method, partial least squ ares (PLS), t o relate fib er properties to spun yarn q uality fo r vortex spinning. Two different sets of predictors were used to forecast yarn quality response variables: one set b eing only HVI™ variables, and th e secon d set con sisting of both HVI™ and AFIS™ v ariables. The q uality of predictions was no t foun d to sign ificantly ch ange with the addition of AFIS™ variables.