We present a report on the status of 107 Pd (>r = 9.4 x 10 6 y) in the early solar system and the implications of its presence for protoplanet evolution. Over the last two decades we have carried out an extensive search for the evidence of presently extinct 107 Pd in meteorites. From these results we conclude that: 1) 107 Ag* (excess 107 Ag) is present in a wide variety of iron and stony-iron meteorites; 2) 107 Ag* is due to the in situ decay of 107 Pd in these meteorites; 3) Pd-Ag metal-PeS and metal whole-rock isochrons have been established for a few meteorites; 4) the correlation observed for the total metal isochrons reflects a large variation in normal silver contents ( -1 0 3 ) with much small variations in Pd contents (factors of 10); 5) there is a wide range in apparent Major fractionation between PdfAg can only be achieved during condensation, early accretion, and metal segregation in the solar nebula. The reaction ofFeNi with H 2 S gas to form PeS and subsequent melting and segregation ofFeNi and PeS provides a mechanism for minor (x2) fractionation. For some volatile-depleted meteorites, the processes of condensation ofFeNi with isolation from later condensates effectively fractionated PdfAg and produced metal with a 108 Pdf 109 Ag -10 4 -10 5 . For other meteorites not so extensively depleted in volatiles, a smaller degree of effective Pdf Ag fractionation is produced due to the presence of later condensates which, upon planetary melting, produced metal with a 108 Pdf 109 Ag-50-100. Some fractionation ofPd and Ag occurred by metal-liquid, metal-crystal fractionation during crystallization in planets similar to the models of Scott [1972], Larimer and Anders [1967], and Wai and Wasson [1977]. If the variation in initial 107 Pdf 108Pd among meteorites indicates a time difference (AT) in the condensation and melting-segregation of planetesimals, the data indicate a total range of -12 my for many meteorites. This tight cluster includes samples ofthe IIAB, IIIAB, IVA, IVB, and "anomalous" groups, as well as mesosiderites and pallasites. However, some meteorites exhibit no evidence of