Environmental filtering, including the influence of environmental constraints and biological interactions on species' survival, is known to significantly affect patterns of community assembly in terrestrial ecosystems. However, its role in regulating patterns and processes of community assembly in deep-sea environments is poorly studied. Here we investigated the role of wood characteristics in the assembly of deep-sea wood fall communities. Ten different wood species (substrata) that varied in structural complexity were sunk to a depth of 3,100 m near Monterey Bay, CA. In total, 28 wood parcels were deployed on the deep-sea bed. After 2 yr, the wood parcels were recovered with over 7,000 attached or colonizing macroinvertebrates. All macroinvertebrates were identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible, and included several undescribed species. Diversity indices and multivariate analyses of variance detected significant variation in the colonizing community assemblages among different wood substrata. Structural complexity seemed to be the primary factor altering community composition between wood substrata. For example, wood-boring clams were most abundant on solid logs, while small arthropods and limpets were more abundant on bundles of branches that provided more surface area and small, protected spaces to occupy. Other factors such as chemical defenses, the presence of bark, and wood hardness likely also played a role. Our finding that characteristics of woody debris entering the marine realm can have significant effects on community assembly supports the notion of ecological and perhaps evolutionarily significant links between land and sea.