Michejda, Campbell f Addition of Complexed Amino Radicals to Alkenes(1 1) In this case, the intermediate may be the thio-keto carbene 20 rather than 7687 the diradical 11. In our case, thio-keto carbene intermediate can be a priori ruled out because of structural demands.Abstract: Dimethylamino radicals, complexed by zinc chloride, added to styrene, aand P-methylstyrenes, and indene to give the corresponding bis(dimethy1amino) adducts in fair to good yields. The radicals were generated by the thermal (60 "C) decomposition of the tetramethyl-2-tetrazene:zinc chloride complex. The addition of the two dimethylamino groups is shown to be a stepwise process, rather than concerted, as suggested previously by us. The relative rates of addition of the zinc chloride complexed amino radicals to substituted a-methylstyrenes were well correlated by the Hammett equation with a p value of -0.98 f 0.04. In contrast, the p value for the addition of uncomplexed radicals was found to be $0.69 0.03. The addition of dimethylamino radicals coordinated by ZnBr2, HgC12, and CdClz to a-methylstyrene was also observed, but no addition was obtained with ZnSOa, Zn(OAc)2, Zn(C6H5)2, or Zn(C,jF5)2.Tetramethyl-2-tetrazene (TMT) forms 1 : 1 complexes with a variety of Lewis acids, such as zinc halides, zinc alkyls and aryls,3 mercuric, aluminum, and cadmium halide^,^ and aluminum alkyls.5 The structure of these complexes was assumed to be the cis structure 1. This structure was shown to be incorrect by the single crystal X-ray structure determination of bis(perfluorophenyl)tetramethyltetrazenezinc( II), 2.6 1 Ar ' ' A r 2, Ar = C,F, The TMT:ZnC12 complex was shown to lose nitrogen at low temperature^.^ We showed that, when this complex was decomposed in the presence of styrene or a-methylstyrene, 30-40% yields of the diamino adducts, 3, were obtained.' This initial study was carried out before the correct structure of the complex was known. As a consequence of this, we assumed that the complex decomposed to the biradical intermediate, 4, which was then captured by the olefin. 4 C,H ,CR=CH t CJISCR-CH,/ \ NMe, NMe, 3, R = H, Me The purpose of this paper is to show that this initial assumption was incorrect, to suggest a more correct mechanism for the addition, and to discuss the reactivity of the zinc chloride complexed amino radical and to contrast it with the reactivity of the neutral, uncomplexed radical. 0002-7863/79/1501-7687$01 .OO/O