“…To evaluate time profiles of the fractions of Ce 4+ and Ce 3+ , the energy‐dispersive XANES spectra were analyzed by a linear combination with the formula X obs = C 1 X 1 + C 2 X 2 , where X obs , X 1 , X 2 , C 1 and C 2 represent observed XANES, XANES spectra of Ce 2 Zr 2 O 8 (Ce 4+ ) and Ce 2 Zr 2 O 7 (Ce 3+ ), and fractions of Ce 4+ and Ce 3+ , respectively 25. 26 The sum of C 1 and C 2 was constant at unity. The fractions of Ce 3+ and Ce 4+ species in the oxygen storage/release processes were plotted as a function of exposure time to O 2 or H 2 at 573, 673, and 773 K (Figure 2).…”