. Can. J. Chem. 70, 2954 (1992). The compounds (P-diketonate)Cu(PR3),,, where P-diketonate = 1.1,1,5.5,5-hexafluoroacetylacetonate, hfac; 1,1,1-trifluoroacetylacetonate, tfac; and acetylacetonate, acac; R = rz-butyl (12-Bu), phenyl (Ph), and cyclohexyl (Cy); n = 1 and 2, have been prepared. The monotriorganophosphine adducts were prepared in high yield by the reaction of the sodium salt of the corresponding P-diketonate with [ClCu(PR,)] with elimination of sodium chloride. The bis(triorganophosphine) adducts were prepared by the reaction of (P-diketonate)Cu(PR,) with one equivalent of triorganophosphine. These species were characterized by 'H, "c, and "P NMR spectroscopy, lTIR spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy, and by combustion elemental analysis. Four examples were structurally characterized-by single crystal X-ray The distortion is believed to be dueo to the large steric demands of the PCy, ligands that result in long Cu-P bond distances of02.251(3) and 2.277(3) A, a large P---Cu-P angle of 141.3(1)", long C u -0 distances of 2.213(5) and 2.251(5) A, and a small M u -0 angle of 80.8(2)" compared to the corresponding values for (hfac)Cu(PCy,). No trends in C u -0 bond distances between the compounds can be discerned, within the limits of error on the data, that would clearly enable a comparison of thermodynamic parameters such as bond length -bond strength relationships as a function of the P-diketonate substituents. However, the spectroscopic data revealed a number of trends as a function of the P-diketonate substituents, including an increase of v (C---O and v(CS) in the order acac < tfac < hfac, analogous to the increase in their Lewis acidity. An increase in shielding of the ,'P resonance of the triorganophosphine ligands was observed in the order hfac < tfac < acac, consistent with expected inductive effects based on the electronegativity of the P-diketonate substituents.H.
-K. SHIN, M. J. HAMPDEN-SMITH, E. N. DUESLER et T . T. K o n~s .Can. J. Chem. 70, 2954 (1992). On a prepart les composes (P-dicCtonate)Cu(PR,),, dans lesquels P-dicetonate = 1,1,1,5,5,5-hexafluoroacCtylacCtonate (hfac), 1,1 , 1-trifluoroacetylacetonate (tfac) et acCtylacCtonate (acac); R = 11-butyle (n-Bu), phenyle (Ph) et cyclohexyle (Cy); n = 1 et 2. On a prepare les adduits monotriorganophosphines avec d'excellents rendements par la reaction du sel de sodium du P-dicetonate correspondant avec le [ClCu(PR,)], avec elimination de chlorure de sodium. On a prepare les adduits bis(triorganophosphine) par la reaction des (P-dicCtonate)Cu(PR,) avec un equivalent de triorganophosphine. On a caracterise ces especes par RMN du 'H, du I3c et du 3 1~, par spectroscopie infrarouge par transformee de Fourier, par spectroscopie de masse et par analyse Clkmentaire par combustion. On a caractenst5 les structures de quatre exemples par le biais de la diffracticn des rayons X par un cristal unique 2 1'Ctat solide. Les c~istaux du (acac)CuPCy, sont tricliniques, groupe d'espace P I , avec a = 13.502(6), b = 13,691 (6)