Woolfe (1952) showed that the trypanocidal activity of dimidium bromide (2: 7-diamino-10-methyl-9-phenyl-phenanthridinium bromide; I) was influenced by changing the quaternary group, and later (Woolfe, 1956) (Woolfe, 1952) were used, and drugs were given in single doses subcutaneously to mice. The Median Curative Dose (CD5O) was estimated as the dose necessary to remove parasites from the peripheral blood of 50% of infected mice for a period of not less than one month. Active drugs were compared with dimidium (activity taken as 1) on the basis of the CD5O.
RESULTS2 : 7-Diamino-9-phenyl-phenanthridinium Compounds (Table I).-I previously (Woolfe, 1952) discussed the effect of n-alkyl and of allyl-quaternating groups. I have now tried a number of quaternating groups containing hetero-atoms, and in the TABLE I