We study isolated quotient singularities by finite and linearly reductive group schemes (lrq singularities for short) and show that they satisfy many, but not all, of the known properties of finite quotient singularities in characteristic zero:(1) From the lrq singularity we can recover the group scheme and the quotient presentation.(2) We establish canonical lifts to characteristic zero, which leads to a bijection between lrq singularities and certain characteristic zero counterparts.(3) We classify subgroup schemes of GL d and SL d that correspond to lrq singularities. For d = 2, this generalises results of Klein, Brieskorn, and Hashimoto [Kl84,Br67,Ha15]. Also, our classification is closely related to the spherical space form problem. (4) F-regular (resp. F-regular and Gorenstein) surface singularities are precisely the lrq singularities by finite and linearly reductive subgroup schemes of GL2 (resp. SL2). This generalises results of Klein and Du Val [Kl84, DV34]. (5) Lrq singularities in dimension ≥ 4 are infinitesimally rigid. We classify lrq singularities in dimension 3 that are not infinitesimally rigid and compute their deformation spaces. This generalises Schlessinger's rigidity theorem [Sc71] to positive and mixed characteristic. Finally, we study Riemenschneider's conjecture [Ri74] in this context, that is, whether lrq singularities deform to lrq singularities.