Abstract.The ρ and ω meson self-energy at finite temperature and baryon density have been analysed for an exhaustive set of mesonic and baryonic loops in the real time formulation of thermal field theory. The large enhancement of spectral strength below the nominal ρ mass is seen to cause a substantial enhancement in dilepton pair yield in this mass region. The integrated yield after space-time evolution using relativistic hydrodynamics with quark gluon plasma in the initial state leads to a very good agreement with the experimental data from In-In collisions obtained by the NA60 collaboration.
IntroductionColliding heavy ions at ultra-relativistic energies is the only way to produce and study bulk properties of strongly interacting matter. Systematic efforts, both theoretical and experimental over the last few decades [1,2] have addressed various facets of the thermodynamics of the underlying theory − QCD. The spectra of hadrons emitted after freeze-out of the fireball produced in heavy ion collisions have provided us with a wealth of information. This includes the recent discovery made by studying the elliptic flow of hadrons that the quark gluon plasma (QGP) produced in Au+Au collisions at RHIC actually behaves as a strongly interacting fluid [3] as opposed to a asymptotically free gas of quarks and gluons. However, by virtue of the fact that electromagnetic probes (real photons and dileptons) are emitted all through the lifetime of the fireball coupled with their low rescattering probability make them penetrating probes capable of mapping the space-time history of the collision [4]. Lepton pairs with both invariant mass and transverse momentum information are in fact preferable to real photons. Large mass pairs produced by Drell-Yan process and from the decays of heavy quarkonia are emitted early whereas pairs with low invariant mass radiated from thermal hadronic matter and Dalitz decays of hadrons are produced late in the collision. The invariant mass spectra of dileptons thus carry time information as displayed explicitly in [5] using the invariant mass dependence of the elliptic flow of lepton pairs.The rate of production of thermal dileptons is proportional to the two-point correlator of vector currents [6]. In the low invariant mass region which is dominated by lepton pairs produced during the later stages of the collision, dilepton emission takes place due to the decay of vector mesons. Consequently, the spectral properties of vector mesons, the ρ meson in particular has been a subject of intense discussion [7,4,2,8]. We find that it is only for the π − π loop that