Drones are increasingly popular tools for wildlife research, but it is important that the use of these tools does not overshadow reporting of methodological details required for evaluation of study designs. The diversity in drone platforms, sensors, and applications necessitates the reporting of specific details for replication, but there is little guidance available on how to detail drone use in peer-reviewed articles. Here, we present a standardized protocol to assist researchers in reporting of their drone use in wildlife research. The protocol is delivered in six sections: Project Overview; Drone System and Operation Details; Payload, Sensor, and Data Collection; Field Operation Details; Data Post-Processing; and Permits, Regulations, Training, and Logistics. Each section outlines the details that should be included, along with justifications for their inclusion. To facilitate ease of use, we have provided two example protocols, retroactively produced for published drone-based studies by the authors of this protocol. Our hopes are that the current version of this protocol should assist with the communication, dissemination, and adoption of drone technology for wildlife research and management. Published at www.nrcresearchpress.com/juvs on 1 February 2020. J. Unmanned Veh. Sys. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by on 07/09/20For personal use only. que les justifications de leur inclusion. Afin de faciliter l'utilisation de protocole, nous avons fourni deux exemples de protocoles produits rétroactivement par les auteurs de ce protocole pour des études publiées sur les drones. Nous espérons que la version actuelle de ce protocole contribuera à la communication, à la diffusion et à l'adoption de la technologie des drones pour la recherche et la gestion de la faune. [Traduit par la Rédaction] Mots-clés : drones, systÚmes d'aéronefs sans pilote, véhicules d'aéronefs sans pilote, communication scientifique, télédétection, examen par les pairs. 92 J. Unmanned Veh. Syst. Vol. 8, 2020 Published by NRC Research Press J. Unmanned Veh. Sys. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by on 07/09/20For personal use only.