The organ of Corti, located in the cochlea in the inner ear, is one of the major sensory organs involved in hearing. The organ of Corti consists of hair cells, glia‐like supporting cells, and the cochlear nerve, which work in harmony to receive sound from the outer ear and transmit auditory signals to the cochlear nucleus in the auditory ascending pathway. In this process, maintenance of the endocochlear potential, with a high potassium gradient and clearance of electrolytes and biochemicals in the inner ear, is critical for normal sound transduction. There is an emerging need for a thorough understanding of each cell type involved in this process to understand the sophisticated mechanisms of the organ of Corti. Hair cells have long been thought to be active, playing a primary role in the cochlea in actively detecting and transmitting signals. In contrast, supporting cells are thought to be silent and function to support hair cells. However, growing lines of evidence regarding the membrane proteins that mediate ionic movement in supporting cells have demonstrated that supporting cells are not silent, but actively play important roles in normal signal transduction. In this review, we summarize studies that characterize diverse membrane proteins according to the supporting cell subtypes involved in cochlear physiology and hearing. This review contributes to a better understanding of supporting cell functions and facilitates the development of potential therapeutic tools for hearing loss.