A 30-year-old male patient came to the dental OPD with a chief complaint of slowly progressing facial asymmetry following a facial trauma three years back. On inspection facial asymmetry was evident due to elongation of right lower half of the face with the mandible deviated towards the left side. The prominence of chin appeared shifted towards the left side. On palpation all inspectory findings were confirmed, condylar movements appeared limited on the right side. A non tender bony prominence was appreciated in the pre auricular region during mandibular movements. On examination, the right condylar enlargement resulted in facial asymmetry, elongation of right lower half of the face shifting the chin prominence to the left side, and limited movements on the right side. Based on the history and clinical findings the provisional diagnosis of unilateral CH of right side was made. Patient's consent for clinical pictures could not be obtained.Radiographic evaluation by panoramic and conventional tomographic views revealed an enlarged bulky, right condylar head with a thick condylar neck. The ramus appeared elongated and the lower border of the right side of mandible was thickened. Computed tomography (CT) and 3 Dimensional (3D) CT scan findings supported the clinical diagnosis [Table/ Fig-1 Fig-2]. After performing all routine blood investigations which were within the normal range, right condylectomy was performed and histopathology of the specimen confirmed the diagnosis of condylar hyperplasia. A second surgery of osteotomy of the mandible was planned for esthetic reasons.