In an l-permutation group (G, d), with d a chain and d ( its Dedekind completion, the coincidence of two stabilizer subgroups G l =G u (l, u d ( ) yields a map lg ug (g G) from lG to uG, and this map commutes with all the elements of G. Roughly speaking, a tying is such a map. We show that the permutations of d ( which commute with the tyings are exactly those in the closure of G in the full automorphism group A(d ( ) with respect to the coarse stabilizer topology. We term this closure the gate completion of G, written G . We show that each o-primitive component of G consists of those permutations of the closure of the corresponding G component which respect the orbits of the points which are ''tied'' to nonsingleton o-blocks. Finally, we show that any two representations of the same lattice-ordered group which are complete and without dead segments give rise to the same G , and that in this case G is the h-completion of G.