When thymidylate production is diminished by a mutation affecting dCTP deaminase, Escherichia coli is known to use an alternate pathway involving deoxycytidine as an intermediate. The pathway requires the gene for any of three nucleoside diphosphate kinases (ndk, pykA, or pykF) and the gene for a 5-nucleotidase (yfbR).Escherichia coli has three known routes for the aerobic de novo synthesis of dUMP, the substrate for thymidylate synthetase. They are referred to as the dCTP, dUDP, and deoxycytidine (dCyd) (17, 29) pathways after their characteristic intermediates. In E. coli and in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, dCTP is a precursor for 75% to 80% of thymidylate that is synthesized de novo (17). In the first step of this dCTP pathway, dCTP is converted to dUTP by dCTP deaminase, which is encoded by the dcd gene (Fig. 1). Then, dUTPase (dut gene) catalyzes the hydrolysis of a pyrophosphate from dUTP, yielding dUMP. Most of the remaining synthesis of dUMP (and hence TMP) is presumed to occur through the dUDP pathway, in which UDP is reduced enzymatically to dUDP. Some of the dUDP may produce dUMP through the reversible thymidylate kinase reaction, but most of it is phosphorylated to dUTP, which is then degraded to dUMP by dUTPase (Fig. 1). The dCyd pathway (Fig. 2) comes into play when dCTP deaminase is inactivated by a dcd mutation, thereby disrupting the major (dCTP) pathway for dUMP synthesis (29). dcd mutants grow poorly in the absence of thymidine (Thd), indicating that the dUDP pathway is inadequate to supply the needs of the cell. However, dcd mutants readily acquire Thd independence through spontaneous mutations in the deoA gene, which encodes a phosphorylase for both Thd and deoxyuridine (dUrd) (29). This finding suggested that dUrd could be an endogenous precursor for TMP. It was surprising because de novo synthesis of nucleic acid precursors occurs through nucleotide rather than nucleoside intermediates. Therefore, the dCyd pathway must rely on salvage enzymes. The blockage of dCTP deaminase in dcd mutants was postulated to lead to a metabolic detour. The massively accumulating dCTP is degraded to dCyd, which is then deaminated to dUrd. dUrd is converted to dUMP by Thd kinase, which, like other enzymes that act on Thd, acts on dUrd as well. The deoA mutation enables this pathway by blocking the breakdown of a critical intermediate, dUrd, and thereby renders a dcd mutant Thd independent. The major evidence for this pathway was that a mutation in cdd, the gene for cytidine (and dCyd) deaminase, caused a dcd deoA mutant to again require Thd (29), indicating that dCyd and dUrd are intermediates. In this paper, a similar approach is used to identify the additional enzymes that are critical for this pathway, those involved in each step of the conversion of dCTP to dCyd. The disruption of the corresponding gene should cause a dcd deoA mutant to require Thd.Strain construction. A series of mutations that might affect the dCyd pathway (Table 1) were transduced into BW1929 (dcd deoA) for testing. The pykF...